My Garden Is Featured in This Month's Better Homes & Gardens Magazine!
/Hey so, you know that major magazine? The one that features all things homes and gardens? You know the one. Well, I wrote an article all about my front yard garden in this month’s issue!
The 3-page article isn’t available on the website (yet?) so I encourage you to head to your favorite small bookstore to pick up a copy. You’re looking for the January 2021 issue with the cover shown above. You can also ask your local Buy Nothing Group to see who has a copy to share when they’re done reading.
While it’s wintertime now posing with the magazine, here’s a photo of the garden in all her glory in spring/summer.
I worked with Better Homes & Gardens to tell the story of taking on the big project of landscaping our yard. I covered how I identified goals, learned from local resources, gifted unwanted plants, selected foliage, installing the plantings, and adding lighting. But instead of having you read each of the blog posts I linked to, I summarized it in a linear timeline.
So go pick up a copy and share it with your friends!
Read All The POsts About The Garden:
Click any of the images below to take a deeper dive into the plants, planning, lighting, resources, and more.