Weekly Roundup

My little bookworm.

This faux leaded glass tutorial had me fooled into thinking it was real antique glass! I’m not normally one for faux finishes, but I support this message.

One of my favorite nonprofits in San Diego helps rehabilitate injured wildlife. If you’re local and have any spare towels or anything else on this list, please consider giving them to an orphaned owl or creature in need of rehabilitation. While not on the list, I got a notice that they’re looking for wicker baskets to help mimic baby birds’ natural homes while they prepare to return them to the wild. If you’re not in San Diego, consider seeing what your local animal rehabilitation groups need.

My previously favorite “hard pant” is now available in linen! Yes please. Although, I am still rocking these linen pants with an elastic waist in all the colors every single day.

I see lots of folks in gardening FB groups recommending Neem Oil as a safe cure-all for so many plant issues - after all, it’s made from plants and often organic. But it can suffocate our beloved pollinators, so please consider alternatives and avoid it outside.

This 800-square-foot apartment is so warm and layered. I’ve been thinking a lot about my home style as I’ve been evolving over the years. The one word I know for sure that I want to define my home is “warm.” There’s a lot of interpretations of that, and right now, I’m digging the layered, textured, and colorful homes in 1990’s movies. I think I need to start compiling stills to show you (and me!) what I’m after because I simply cannot find photos online that match the memories of these movies in my head.

If you’re looking to make friends with neighbors in your Buy Nothing group, offer to lend your tools. I let someone borrow my electric pole saw a few months ago to prune a giant fig tree and she can’t stop telling me how much she appreciates it. Sharing is caring!

Has anyone installed solar window film to their single-glaze windows to reduce heat indoors and lower AC use? I’m tempted to try it, but of course need to do all the research and ensure it isn’t going to invite birds to run into it, or any consequences like that. Anyone have first-hand experience with it?

I’m looking for some bigger, bolder art and considering museum exhibition posters.

I’ve switched moisturizers and no longer have SPF built-in. So, I now apply this on top of my (very limited) makeup and the beauty is I can reapply throughout the day since it sits on top.

The sweat pea structure I planted for Margot is slowly growing (I know, I know, I planted it like, four months late) but it’s getting tall enough that I can add a trellis! I’m hoping the recent rains mean I’ll have some tall vines to show off soon!

All these years I’ve been using a hand-held planer but I finally got an electric one and it costs less than takeout. What was I waiting for?!

I’m currently listening to this podcast and it’s the perfect one I need right now.