Weekly Roundup

In an attempt to do more weekly traditions (like pizza night!) I asked Instagram what they do and how they implemented rituals. Check out the sweet ways families get together with consistency in the comments here.

These sconces are in production and soon will hang on the wall of the primary bathroom. I’m determined to finish this remodel soon!

We watched Aftersun the other day and I can’t stop thinking about it. Such a beautiful, tender, sweet, heartbreaking, and profound look at a father-daughter relationship. Five stars!

We also just watched Beverly Luff Lin for the first time (why did nobody tell me about this movie?) and it’s so absurd and weird and we loved it.

This craftsman home is amazing. I adore all of Hollie’s spaces, but I stared at the arts & crafts house for an excessive amount of time.

One of the many reasons to not paint brick!

We recently got Margot this simple, colorful, charming alphabet puzzle which she adores. Warning: only get it if the caregivers also like putting away letter puzzle pieces on the board throughout the day!

We’re taking our first trip out of town with a toddler and driving a few hours. Margot is usually entertained with a stack of books, but I want to get her a few other things for the car ride that don’t have a million pieces or require a flat surface to stack things on. I’m considering this but curious if you have recommendations for other car-based activities for an 18-month-old.

Three women have been traveling in a catamaran across the North Atlantic and the photos of their saga are incredible.

You didn’t miss this kitchen reveal, did you?

A hot tip for custom framing is to get a custom mat! You an put any size artwork in any size frame (thrifted, repurposed, stock, etc) and with a custom mat make it fit perfectly and look high-end. Here’s how I put a couple of custom mats in action recently.

I’m here for this new bedding collection.

I’ve been on a kick reading parenting books and my latest one to finish is this one. I listened to it on an audiobook via Libro.fm which benefits my local bookstore.

Keeping a gun in your home is irresponsible (swipe!)

Interested in donating hair but don’t want to cut off 12 inches? You can donate short 4” locks to clean up oil spills here! But if you’re up for a big chop, I donated to Hair We Share when I cut off 13” in 2020.

Hot top for photographers and video editors: I just learned how to convert a Lightroom Preset into a LUT for use in Final Cut Pro! Also, I just designed my own “hack” for applying Lightroom Presets to Apple Photos App photos. I’m still experimenting but I feel like I’ve cheated the system and can now get custom edits on photos within my existing iPhone photo storage system while retaining location info, live view, and full-resolution. Would you be interested in a tutorial?

Oh, and we also watched another movie recently, Fire of Love. It was so pretty that I could have watched it on mute, but it’s narrated by Miranda July, so why would you mute her?!

I just found out about (and donated to) the Wild Bird Fund, a nonprofit that rehabilitates sick, injured and orphaned wildlife (mostly birds) and releases them back to the wilds of New York City. Here’s a great resource for helping birds to avoid hitting windows!

Give yourself permission to be creative.

I put together monthly playlists of songs I’m enjoying on Spotify for folks to tune in to. If you’re listening with me, you may have noticed the monthly playlists have been removed, but have no fear - I’ve compiled all of the songs into annual playlists. I’ll make monthly jams until December, then put them into a giant compilation. Enjoy 2022 tunes and this month’s songs below!