Weekly Roundup

We’ve been enjoying the summer evenings, lately, soaking them up before we lose light and time to explore outside. The video below (or linked here) shows how we spend many of our evenings in the newly renovated backyard. And learn about each of the plants here.

We watched Petite Maman the other day and I must say it’s one of my favorite movies. Sweet, gentle, loving, curious, heartbreaking - the feelings of childhood and parenthood. It was so perfect in every way. I encourage you to just turn it on and watch - the trailer gives too much away!

I’ve stared at the photos for each room of this house for no less than 10 minutes each.

A question I’ve been getting a lot of recently is “what stain remover did you use to get rid of stains from baby clothes?” and this is the answer. A simple soak gets our Margot’s blueberry stains as well as old stains from my baby clothes that I passed on to her.

If there were a formula for making a room.

This lamp DIY is perfect.

We got this baby nail file for Margot as a newborn, but a year later it’s still going strong so we got refills. I would also recommend it for adult fingernails, too!

Going gray gracefully. I really can’t wait, mayself.

My dining room rug is vintage, so you can’t get one of the same, but I did find another vintage one that’s nearly the same! (use code ASHLEY41438 for 10% off any vintage rug on that site!)

I just had to order it.