Weekly Roundup

The backyard project has been moving along at a speed I simply can’t keep up with! There are lots of little decisions from hardscape colors to fruit tree varieties that are keeping me sufficiently busy while the crew executes the plan. I’m going to share some updates on Instagram Stories today, so head over there to see what’s been going on.

Margot and I both have been mesmerized by the backyard happenings.

Speaking of fruit trees, here is a great list of varieties of fruit trees for the San Diego region. And here is a rebate program!

The war in Ukraine is debilitatingly tragic. Here are resources to help, some feelings on the duality of life, and how we can reduce Putin’s power.

The Adjusted Age of Parenthood In a Pandemic. My friend Tiina wrote about her experience parenting a baby as old as the pandemic, and the words really resonate with me and my experience.

Ever wondered how folks set tiles before plastic spacer?

Several of our floor vents have furniture over top of them, so I finally got a few of these to improve the air flow.

Ryia’s bathroom makeover is stunning!

Our favorite local bread shop recommends this bread knife. We always head the advice of bakers, so we got it and it’s definitely worth it.

Hello antique stove!

Ross and I are hooked on the new show, Severance.

We need a doormat for the back door, so I’m eyeing this one which is long enough to run the full length of our 6’ wide french doors.

Old windows can be saved! See the step-by-step window restoration process.