Weekly Roundup

Happy December! This year is going by so quickly, where’s the pause button?

We’ve been being tourists in our own city lately, exploring Balboa Park, local farms/gardens, and as many outdoor activities as we can. I grew up here so I’m now experiencing San Diego in totally new ways. If any other locals have recommendations for lesser-known outdoor activities with a little one, please share in the comments!

There aren’t a ton of design-focused TV shows that I get excited about, but this is one of them!

This flooring makeover is amazing - watch the whole thing!

I’m excited to be showing off a modest kitchen renovation! The next update is coming next week!

Shannon has been going on treasure hunts in her own backyard - a forest full of trash. It’s fun to see what she finds, but also a good reminder about how long our trash lasts.

Women do an incredible about of invisible domestic work, and men simply don’t do the same amount. Ross has been reading Fair Play, we bought the cards, and we both follow Laura Danger. We’re both feminists that have been aiming to do right, but there’s always room for improvement as we push back against society’s expectations of our genders. I highly recommend reading and following. Hey male partners, reading the book yourself and following Laura is a great gift for your female partner this holiday season!

I got these fire blankets in the event of a small kitchen fire - they seem like a good first step before an extinguisher (that would make a mess) and the blanket can be used safely on a person, too.

Do you know whose land you’re on?

Everlane is having a sale, so my favorite wardrobe items are 25% off including the invisible bra, the barrel pant, the original cheeky jean, the linen workwear shirt, and the alpaca crew sweater.

Looking for books to read to your little one this holiday season? Here’s a collection of inclusive books to teach about more than just one or two winter holidays.

There’s still time to get a gift for the special babies and toddlers in your life.

I always tell myself, “oh I’ll just edit family photos for 10 minutes then I’ll get to work” then 2 hours later I realize I’m still editing. So, I got myself this countdown visualizer to hold myself accountable.

Examples of white privilege - in case anyone doesn’t get it.

Someone asked me where I get Margot’s clothes and the answer is: Kate Quinn, Hanna Andersson, Jamie Kay, and Maisonette - in that order. The secondhand availability of these brands is killer, too!

On renovating for resale and “if you plan your financial future and your most private spaces around how much strangers might be willing to pay for your home one day, then your home isn’t really yours.”

Last week I attended my community planning meeting for the first time in an embarrassingly long time. Myself and neighbors were advocating for a stop sign that the city has been declining to install despite collisions. I’m making a goal to attend more meetings (they’re still on Zoom so it’s easier to participate) and I encourage folks to speak up for the greater good in your local communities.

It’s been about 6 hours of dehydrating my orange slice garland, so it’s time I go pull it out of the oven. Ciao!