Weekly Roundup

The weather has been so lovely and sunny in San Diego lately (I mean, it often is). We’re strolling the neighborhood daily and sometimes just wandering around our front yard that got a recent overhaul or swinging on the porch. The great outdoors could only be better if the outside wasn’t the only way we felt comfortable seeing friends.

I’m late to the game, but I just binged The Laundry Guy. I really enjoyed a low-key show that’s simply about cleaning clothes. I can definitely say I learned a few things!

Normally in January I get the bug to deep clean, reorganize, and turn the house upside down. This year and last weren’t those years. I get the impression I’m not the only one that’s trying to wind down, so there’s no pressure to organize if you want to take the first of the year easy. But, if you want to shake things up, I recommend my January declutter challenge - it works great in February and March and April and all the months, so feel free to draw it out.

Margot loves the textures of these books - I highly recommend them for the 6-month-olds in your life.

Now that I’ve seen this salad tutorial, no other cooking lesson will ever be entertaining enough.

If you like minimal yet warm modern homes, you’re going to like Amanda’s renovated house in Utah.

Erin wanted a particular tile backsplash but couldn’t find the right design so she made it on a budget and it turned out great!

I’m not kidding when I say that I wear this sweater 80% of my days. I only wish I got it for the sale price that it is now.

San Diegans, we’re about to have all of our electricity generation move from SDG&E to Community Choice. You can learn more about the program here. Community Choice is guaranteeing that 50% of the power is from renewables, but you can elect to join Power100 for an extra few bucks a month to get 100% renewable electricity. Homeowners, renters, businesses, etc. you can opt in here to tell the energy companies you want clean energy.

I’ve lived my whole adult life without one of these, but finally got one.

We used to have metal house numbers but just removed the numbers in favor of these vinyl adhesive ones for our mailbox. They come in different colors and are custom printed so each digit is perfectly spaced (unlike buying individual numbers).

Did you catch the kitchen update I shared? I added a vintage table but modernized it to counter height and turned it into a peninsula. I’m smitten.