Weekly Roundup

That cat has the right idea in this charming bedroom.

I swapped out our shower curtain liner this week from a pretty nice but still plasticy curtain to a machine-washable fabric one that feels much nicer. Admittedly the vinyl one wasn’t bad - I was able to spot clean it, the material was thick, it wasn’t slimy like thin curtain liners can be. But I wanted a refreshed one. If you, too, chose to upgrade your curtain liner, you can repurpose the old one as a painting drop cloth or tarp or whatnot.

Shelly has been planning the repainting of the exterior of her house for years and we finally get to see what colors she decided on!

I got my haircut for the first time in probably 3 years(!) in our backyard the other day. The hairdresser wasn’t pleased with my shampoo and recommended this which is sulfate-free and vegan but does a better job than what I’ve been using.

I will never not love Julie.

I just treated myself to a new boxy, oversized, chunky sweater.

We’ve been using the carriage attachment on Margot’s stroller so she can lay flat and flex her growing muscles without any restrictions. But she’s finally grown out of it and she’s moved up to the big kid seat. My baby is growing up so fast!

I was asked about the super cute pants Margot is wearing in this photo but the design is sold out. It’s a bummer for me, too, because I wanted to get them in a larger size. The other patterns are cute, though - and on sale!

I haven’t been listening to podcasts as much as I used to, but when I get a moment to tune in, the first one I always look to for new episodes is SmartLess.

Here’s some artwork I’ve been eyeing recently: funky florals, pillow study, modern still life, regal cats, and Hockney pool.

I still haven’t finished crafting our Halloween costumes and I have a mere week left! We don’t plan on even leaving the house in our costumes, but I refuse to miss even one family costume opportunity.